The Holy Way Feb 2024

The Holy Way

A Cultivation of Inner Union Through

 An Exploration of The Masculine & Feminine

Facilitated by

Thessa Sophia & Fleur Inanna

2 Month Course

Start Date Feb 2024

Dear Friends,

We warmly invite you to join us for a deepening journey of truth and love through the cultivation of inner union.

This journey is open to anyone who has worked with us before and has an experiential understanding and comfortability with the basics of our approach to healing and awakening. 

It feels like a ripe moment to offer this journey over the next months as Venus and Mars make their dance together in the sky, placing the  cultivation of the masculine and feminine on the map of our internal space and life/world stages. 

As made available through the Yin and Yang symbol in Taoist philosophy we can see, Yin/Yang - masculine and feminine energies combined make up the whole of all things in creation, and thus your inner space; placing the tantra of this exploration at the centre of our way together and one of the most profound keys for forging spiritual depth and greater inner unification.

The focus on the masculine and feminine naturally initiates deeper unificiation within whatever dimensions of ourselves we are exploring; the environment of exploration we will be creating together will take you where you need to go.

This journey of self discovery is appropriate for anyone working with us, no matter what dimension of consciousness you are grounded in or what is unfolding for you the intent is to offer the simplicity of our way for you to apply to your own direct experience. 

You are warmly welcome to come to this course with a single theme you would like to explore throughout, allowing each weekly exploration and the differing angles to invite greater thoroughness, depth, healing and change in the nature of your relationship with your chosen theme, and a chosen theme is not necessary. 

Course Content

We will be exploring  the Masculine & Feminine.....

*In our direct experience with the basic recipe 

*With an exploration of Identification

*In relationship to a Core Issue/Trauma Moment or Physical Issue

*In relationship to Essence & Developing Uniqueness

*In relationship to Divine and Personal will/Intent

*And applying reflection technique in relationship to another person or within the differing dimensions of yourself

*In relationship to embodying desire and longing 

*In relationship to an Ideal Partner/Man, Woman or Situation

Practical Details

There are a maximum of 10 places for this Course.


£200 - $255 - Euros 232

Monthly amount

£400 - $505 - Euros 464

Total Amount

(Monthly Payments and Payment plans you can manage are available on request)

Deposit £100 to secure your place

(Paypal Payments plus 4%)


Times/Dates & Location:

We will meet once every week (on zoom), times/dates chosen as a group:

 *4xMonth - 2hour live guided meditations (recorded and shared for practice) with one on one feedback and interaction.


You will receive recorded meditations a month and practice suggestions, videos, and creative/inspirational writing to enliven your understanding and experience of our weekly topics. 

Private (group members only) and deeply held group space within Primordial home for creative sharing, feedback and questions.


Up to 10 places available


Location: Zoom and Primordial Home "The Holy Way"

How To Book Your Place

***You must have a foundational experience of our basic approach to healing and awakening****

Email Fleur:


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