Womb Work & The Mysterious Pass

Womb Work & The Mysterious Pass

culminating the mysterious pass & preparing for the primordial ground

Core Course

facilitated by

Thessa Sophia & Fleur Inanna

The next Womb Work & The Mysterious Pass Group will be held in April or May 2024

This group is only open to those that have participated in the Heart Becoming & Art of Inner Inion Course

and or worked enough with Thessa and Fleur to be ready to journey with the depth of this material

Please note: there are new dimensions & simplifications to this journey that those repeating will not have experienced before


The intention of this course is to guide you & ground you into womb space & then eventually the Mysterious Pass via fundamental soft inquiries into the source of your experience. 

We begin with grounding into and cultivating womb space...

Many healers and long time meditators who have gained much wisdom, compassion and freedom due to their dedication and commitment to awakening through spiritual practice have not yet opened and blossomed from the womb.

Many of us are so focused on the upper body and the energetic centers there – the crown, third eye and heart.

We have spent years working from the heart, delving into the source of all creation arising from the deep abyss found in the core of the heart, hence the name Thessa chose for her work was originally Heart Becoming.

Now, when we start working with an advanced meditator, what immediately begins to arise is what has not yet to come into conscious awareness within the womb. Everyone has a womb, the kind we are talking about. It is gender independent, as everyone has access to the womb of creation through their own biology. 

The superficial aspects of it can be accessed within the uterus in a woman and within a point near the prostate in men, but the deepest core appears deeper within the tissues in the back of the lower belly. It only has a physical location until it is fully opened, upon which it permeates the whole body, can appear at any point, and is space independent.

Going into the womb can be uncomfortable at first because it feels like all the “non-spiritual” baggage that the upper centers and the observer (who is carefully observing from above) usually don’t appreciate. It can be experienced as dark, evil, shameful, dead, terrifying, ugly, dirty and harmful. 

Those are the gatekeeper experiences, but once integrated, the most powerful initiations become available, those that when full, fill the other centers with newly retrieved aspects of the uniqueness of your true nature.Deepening into the womb is a journey into the nature of creativity at one with the absolute unknowable. 

What is creator? What is creating? What creates thought? Decision? Emotion? Vision? Hearing? Knowing? Movement? Perception? What creates my world? The people in it and their behaviours? My home and life’s accoutrements? 

Within the womb, the questions take one before thought arises, where the response consumes the questions into a new arising of biology and physiology capable of executing their nature in union with the whole. 

Specifically, the nature of movement changes, and so you begin to move differently, speak differently, respond to your daily life differently… what appears within your world changes, all toward greater coherence and harmony with the movements of the whole of creation. 

The beauty of working in the womb is that what may have begun as an investigation into a complicated relationship issue, personality pattern, existential angst etc. finds an utter simplicity at its source. 

A subtle re-organization and awakening before thought, thinking or perception arises unleashing a gentle, new reality in harmony.

Once the womb has been presenced and held as a foundation over time, the mysterious pass begins to elucidate itself. Many people are accessing the mysterious all the time, giving way to new heights and depths of magic and mysterious as unification appears spaceless and timeless - seemingly everywhere in its impact and nature. But not many actively cultivate this opening, and this is the work of true magician.

We keep our approach to exploring and cultivating the mysterious pass very simple, resourcing this opening through a fundamental archetypal inquiry into the source of all the things that are occurring leaving alot of space for a natural self discovery and integration process through what emerges along the line of that fundamental inquiry.

The obtruse nature of the opening into the mysterious pass is beautifully represented in this writing by Thomas Cleary, from the Taoist tradition.

"The opening of the mysterious pass is the most abstruse and most essential mechanism. It is not, as various practitioners of yoga say, in the forehead, or the navel, or the bladder, or the genitals, or between the kidneys and navel, or between the kidneys and genitals.

From head to heels, any spot on the body you may focus on is not it. Yet it is not to be sought externally, apart from the body.Therefore sages just used the word "center" to point out the opening of the mysterious pass. This "center" is it. Let me give you a convenient simile.When a puppet moves its hands and feet and gesticulates in a hundred ways, it is not that the puppet can move—it is moved by pulling strings. 

And though it is a strong device, it is the person controlling the puppet who pulls the strings.

Do you know this person who controls the puppet? The puppet is like the body, the strings are like the mysterious pass; the person controlling the puppet is like the innermost self. The movements of the body are not done by the body; it is the mysterious pass that makes it move.

But though it is the action of the mysterious pass, still it is the innermost self that activates the mysterious pass. If you can recognize this activating mechanism, without a doubt you can become a wizard." 

- The Book of Balance and Harmony: A Taoist Handbook by Thomas Cleary

Course Content

Womb Work - 2 Months

Grounding into the womb via the lower dan tien, as a foundation for all our exploring together.

Offering you fundamental soft inquiries that naturally invite the awareness, the one who is exploring, into womb space; and a cultivation of that depth of realisation of source.

Exploring from within the womb, working with core issues/material arising naturally as we begin to working the womb; physical healing; masculine & feminine; divine and personal will; and ecstatic states.

Preparing the ground and entry into the mysterious pass.

The Mysterious Pass - Second 6 Weeks

Grounding into the Mysterious Pass via the womb, as a foundation for all our exploring together.

Guiding you into a fundamental soft inquiry that naturally invite the awareness, the one who is exploring,  into deeper communion with this elusive centre of all centres; the Mysterious Pass.

Exploring from within the Mysterious Pass, working with core issues/material arising naturally as we begin to working the womb; physical healing; masculine & feminine; divine and personal will; and ecstatic states.

Culminating the Myserious Pass & Preparing the ground and entry into the Primordial Ground

Video Introduction into Womb Work & The Mysterious Pass

Practical Details

This core course is only appropriate for those who have participated in Heart Becoming & The Art of Union Course & or worked with Thessa and Myself enough to be adept in practice, with an experiential understanding of our basic recipe to healing & awakening and experience of working with the material delivered in The Art of Inner Union Course.

Email Fleur: core.expression@yahoo.co.uk to discuss if a place on this course is appropriate for you or to discuss what maybe needed for you to be ready to join this course.

This course is 4 months long


£210 Month

£840 the full amount



Payment Plans are available on request

Reduced Price

if you are repeating this course and participating in the ICS

If you are repeating this course

(if the course fills this amount may reduce to half price too)

£140 per month

£560  the full amount

£100 deposit

(please use currency converter to convert into dollars or Euros, it is possible you will be able to pay in your preferred currency.)

Dates and Times

Start Date to be decided as a group

4 Month Course

times and days to be arranged as a group

Calls are 2 hours long



Zoom - all recordings are posted in the group

Course Structure

Once Weekly - 2hour live guided meditations (recorded and shared for practice) with one on one feedback and interaction. Times & Dates Chosen Together as a Group.

You will receive x2 recorded meditations a month and practice suggestions, videos, and creative/inspirational writing to enliven your understanding and experience of our weekly topics. 

Private (group members only) and deeply held group space within Primordial home for creative sharing, feedback and questions. This will also become your library of resources which you will have access to for ever on after the group wave has been completed. 

Up to 10 places available

Location: Zoom and Primordial Home "Womb Work & The Mysterious Pass 2024 Private Group"

How To Book Your Place

Email Fleur: core.expression@yahoo.co.uk to request a place on this course or to discuss what preparation maybe needed  for you to be ready to join this course.

Deposits will then be required of £100 to secure your place, once your request has been accepted - you will be invoiced for the deposit and your place will be confirmed.

Any questions please feel free to email me: core.expression@yahoo.co.uk

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