The Heart Of Devotion 2025

The Heart of Devotion

a movement towards truth

facilitated by

Fleur Inanna

6 Week Course
Starting Last Week in February

This group is only open to those who have a basic understanding of our core practice

who feel ready to journey with the depth of this material

Dear Friends,

I warmly invite you for a journey with me into the depths of your heart, deepening devotion and its flow towards truth. 

Devotion stirs within any path of heart, it is the passionate quality of love and purest emotion that propels us towards becoming that which the devotee is devoted to, the object of our devotion. On the path of truth, it is the momentum of love that drives one's longing towards the divine until complete union has been fulfilled, and the pure knowledge of the divine nature resting there, has blossomed from within. 

The path of heart that we guide others along, directs us into this slipstream of truth and essential wisdom, that carries within its currents the revelations of the absolute and essence, and mostly all that is needed to flow towards truth as a direct experience and organic unfolding, is to keep returning to and resting into the slipstream of union. 

Our basic recipe and core practice is our main resource for ushering ourselves back into this slipstream of inner union and truth, so we can rest into the natural unfolding there that is guided by intent/alignment with God. 

This journey however is an invitation to dive deeper into the heart of your devotion, to offer our inner stage up to the essentialisation of the devotee, by visiting core themes that belong to sustaining devotion towards truth. 

We will begin by presencing core themes such as; 

Desire - the nature of desire and desiring. Divine will, the direct experience of something greater than us and coming into union/ aligning to that. Passion, as the signature of our devotional flow it shows us what we are devoted to. We will be exploring if there are  any gaps between that, you as the devotee and something greater/divine will. 

I will be presencing the dynamics of masculine and feminine on the path of devotion, so you can include an awareness of this fundamental polarity, to come into greater intimacy with the specific nature of devotion within you, with whatever it is you are exploring. This is a big topic that I will not be unpacking in the scope of this course but I want to presence it with a video or interview sharing with Thessa. 

You will have a chance to explore devotion in relationship to both animate and inanimate objects, in a movement to close any gaps between devotee and the object of your devotion. 

We will be using reflection technique as a tool for this part of our journey, bringing in any themes we have explored above as needed such as; desire, passion, divine will, masculine and feminine, to support the integration process. 

This journey will offer you a framework for fine tuning your path of heart, by applying our core practice to these core themes that belong to blossoming on the path of heart and the momentum of devotion towards truth. 

You are very welcome to bring a theme with you, to this journey and apply your theme or themes to the sessions. 

I will run this journey with a minimum of 3 people and maximum of 6.

Course Schedule

Session 1:  

Opening Sharings, Setting Intentions, Presencing themes we wish to bring with us on this 6 week journey. 

Divine and Personal Will:

Exploring and embodying desire, wanting something for yourself; what is to desire something? 

Exploring and embodying divine will/something greater than us, what is it like when the whole wants something for itself? 

Session 2: 

Exploring and embodying Passion/Pure emotions, as a signature of devotion - where does our passion flow towards or where is it lacking. What are we devoted to? Aligning our devotional energy with divine will.

Session 3: 

Exploring the Essence of Faith, as a signature of devotion - exploring our relationship with trust, trust in something greater than us.

Visiting mental or emotional or physical trust or lack of trust with the divine. 

Video Interview with Thessa on Devotion and the masculine and feminine

Including in our exploration all the above themes to the below explorations as needed

Session 4: 

Exploring devotion in relationship to an animate object - a living person

Session 5: 

Exploring devotion in relationship to an animate object - a sentient being, non living divine counterpart, God or Goddess.

Session 6: 

Exploring devotion in relationship to an inanimate object - a house, a chair, an object of some kind.

Closing Sharing

Please note that every topic we cover, whole courses could be generated and maybe just to fulfil the scope of exploration. The intent of this journey is to offer a container to deepen and explore, applying our core practice and offer a framework for visiting these themes, that you can come back to over time. 

Practical Details


Reference the email: The Heart of Devotion

Please note you must be familiar and comfortable with our core practice before joining this course.

Please feel free to contact Fleur for a short 20minute meeting to feel into if there is resonance or if this container and journey is right for you.


Dear Friends,

We are going to start raising our rates to honour the value and nature of our offerings and guidance - we intentionally create very small group containers giving participants space to share deeply and receive one on one feedback on every call, facilitating the depth and intimacy of our work and way - and we realise the pricing needs to start reflecting this. This shift has been a long time coming and now we are finding we are personally needing to raise our prices to meet the climate of inflation and to preserve the sustainability of our work. We have always wanted to keep our work accessible to everyone and sustainable for those who cannot afford the higher rates, and so in this spirit we will be offering a sliding scale from now on on all our offerings. We invite you to choose freely the investment that matches your means and for you to feel free to choose the lower rate if your repeating a course. All our love

Higher Rate:


Higher Rate (Scholarship contribution rate): 



Middle Rate:



Lower Rate:



£100 / $100 / 100 Euro

Payment Plans are available on request via paypal payment plan subscription

(Paypal Payments plus 4%)


Times/Dates & Location:

We will meet once every week (on zoom) for 6 Weeks/Sessions

Our meeting times/dates will be chosen as a group.

2 hour group live guided meditations (recorded and shared for practice) with one on one feedback and interaction.


You will receive recorded meditations a month and practice suggestions, videos, and creative/inspirational writing to enliven your understanding and experience of our weekly topics. 


Private (group members only) and deeply held group space within Primordial home for creative sharing, feedback and questions.


Up to 6 Places Available


Location:  Zoom and Primordial Home "The Heart of Devotion"

How To Book Your Place

Email Fleur:

Deposits will then be required of £100 to secure your place, once your request has been accepted - you will be invoiced for the deposit and your place will be confirmed.


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