
Thessa Sophia

Primordial Guide, Esoterica Embodied, 

Path of the Immortals, Protector of Innocents

About Thessa...

 'I see my role as developer of and teacher in Structural Self Inquiry as one of guide, and fellow traveler along the path. I am not here to pass along some great knowledge but to help the student develop the skills to gain that knowledge from within themselves and be able to share this amongst their peers.’ 

Ever since I can remember I have had a profound interest in the nature of perception, experience and consciousness. I had a difficult childhood in many ways with a problematic family background.


However, I almost always experienced an underlying sense of happiness, despite these challenges and this fascinated me. Why was this the case when many people I knew were generally unhappy even though they seemingly had more agreeable circumstances? I also had a highly developed sense of intuition and was quickly able to sense what others were experiencing.


The term for people with this ability is ‘empath’, but we have developed ways to teach everybody how to develop this capacity. I remember one situation where a school mate was in serious trouble at school and was in danger of being expelled.

As he went through the process of being called to the principle’s office, I had the experience that I actually was him in that moment –I could feel his fear, shame, and sorrow in my body and directly experience his viewpoint of the traumatic situation. This and other experiences fascinated me. Mainstream science has largely ignored such phenomena and is only now beginning to examine these kinds of things.


If we are separate individuals and our consciousness is a product of and is located in the brain, how is it possible to ‘sense’ energetic and emotional aspects of someone else? Of course Western science is way behind what mystical traditions have known for millennia. Mystics throughout the ages have been aware that we are all affecting each other on subtle but profound levels. This is not just a spiritual idea but also a reproducible experience for those with refined kinaesthetic and emotional sensitivity. This ‘non-locality of consciousness’ is an everyday experience for us and we teach our students ways to become aware of this phenomenon, as it is a crucial part of the transformational process.


Indeed, if we are not aware of the extent to which our consciousness is affecting people and theirs is affecting ours, we are unlikely to make significant progress on the transformational journey. I studied Psychology at university in order to explore my fascination with the human condition, but I was largely disappointed by the subject matter.


The pseudoscientific methodology didn’t relate to my everyday experience and largely ignored extraordinary states of consciousness.After graduating, I took an MA in IT and in many ways, some of the concepts I learned in this second degree have been more useful to my explorations. Experience of how data is gathered and organised has led to practical applications for self-enquiry in our processes. After a short-lived career as a computer programmer I began studying a variety of disciplines related to consciousness and healing. I became a nutritionist and master herbalist. I trained as an allergy elimination therapist using a technique called NAET. This was a fascinating period in my life. I had a full time practice working with allergies and found that a process of trauma healing led to the resolution of many allergic reactions and some serious disease conditions.


This encouraged me to investigate further, in order to find the causal level behind disease and consciousness itself. I explored a number of modalities such as yoga,Introduction to Tools for hemi-sync, neuro-feedback and a range of meditation practices. I also studied with a variety of teachers in the shamanic, yogic and psychotherapeutic fields and I started to encounter a range of peak experiences and extraordinary phenomena, such as the development of High Sense Perception.


I worked with a group of consciousness researchers who were experientially examining these phenomena and looking at how some serious diseases could bead dressed through advanced consciousness and trauma healing techniques. This was an intense experience as I worked full time exploring deeply into the nature of self, perception, healing and consciousness.


I began teaching others during this period.  led to the formation of The Academy of Modern Alchemy and the development of Alchemy Techniques as we decided to begin sharing our work with a wider audience, as time evolve and devotion deepened I have come to share the keys shown to me along the way for over a decade. I named this work Heart Becoming. 

Now we are sharing our work Heart Becoming in its ever changing expression under the umbrella of Primordial Home.

So far we have taught the material we have developed in residential settings and over the Internet. Our work is still very much research based as we explore ever deeper into the causal level of experience. It has been and continues to be an exciting and fascinating journey.


We are blessed to be able to share that journey with others.




Thessa Sophia

Fleur Inanna

Primordial Guide

Healer & Spiritual Midwife


Wild & Free

About Fleur...

"Fleur has a natural ability to connect mastery with humanity, to run a line between your essential self and most human self and have them begin a very important conversation. She is a runner, a dancer between the worlds, a drummer, calling you to the beat of your own heart, spiralling down into the underworld and meeting you in the depths of self where you cannot journey alone, and do not wish to."


 Sara La Kali ~ Asheville NC

I am an essential guide and spiritual midwife along the way who is devoted to revealing the principles of feminine mystery from a foundation of non-duality. I serve as catalyst on "her" natural path of awakening, cultivating, nurturing and refining the inner garden of myself and each whole and thus nature of us all.
It is within the transparency of existence and integrity of the laws of nature and oneness I can facilitate healing and support the natural blossoming of beauty, love and play within others.
The understanding of my art traces back to origin and runs deeper than the human experience to the most subtle, etheric and elemental; I am a true mistress of non-duality raising and expanding energy from the earthly plane into the beyond to facilitate the natural transformation of self; one of my sacred names is "sky woman."
All that I share has been discovered through my own direct experience, and I belong to no modality or single practice yet have always had a deep and rich affinity with the Sufi, Buddhist and Shamanic Mystical arts. 
To pin my work with others down would be like missing the point of it; for essentially what inspires me most is unknowable and unshareable in nature. 
Foundationally I have come to sit with others on the deepest levels of their being; becoming inherent to the listening, feeling, sensing what is occurring.


All my work is grounded in the unchanging (silence, Tao), and I am devoted to the realisation of that within myself and all beings. I provide an environment of self acceptance and stillness that can support the natural transformation of self and identity, towards a unified expression of self with origin.


I work with individuals with severe illness and major trauma, alongside advanced practitioners in their own meditation practice. I share the approach shown to me by my primary guide and mentor Thessa Sophia, as I go, in stages depending on the person's ability, so that sessions and retreats appear and feel like dual meditations, where I am directly holding them or the group, whilst simultaneously co-journeying with them and being held myself.
I run transformational retreats on Pantelleria Island, my sacred home in the Mediterranean alongside private one to one sessions, in person and on skype. 
I am a spiritual midwife primarily on the spiritual plains and I have also been called to serve as a doula in physical birth and death. I am a trained & passionately practicing 
birth doula who is devoted to all forms of spiritual midwifery, having worked with the elderly and terminally ill for over 7 years. 
I have devoted myself to healing arts for most of my life, with the blessing of many different teachers along the way, I have come to study and master ~ reiki, tai Chi, sound healing, ecstatic states of consciousness, shamanic regressional healing, trauma healing, birth, breath, conception ignition healing, conscious creation of the self and god-hood and have an experiential understanding of the mystical and alchemical science of nature and laws of oneness. 
What is essential to me is grounding the most mystical and shamanic realities in the body, through the yoga of relating & merging of the divine within everyday practical reality; in service to the creation of love, beauty and play.
I love to geek out on the experiential embodied/ literal living of life as art and science of love, to follow with passion the becoming of what is essential & blossoming of who we truly are. 
I have travelled for many years all over the world, I have lived and explored some of the most remote and wildest places on Earth and have been blessed to share the journey with many different tribes, teachers, cultures and medicines. 


My work is deeply rooted and ever inspired by my intensive training with Thessa over the last 10 years, during which i have been exploring with her on the deepest levels of consciousness, the nature of identity and perception ~ cultivating deeper realisations of true nature, pure awareness and essence. 

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