The Heart of Darkness


  Online Retreats



                                                                                      Thessa Sohia & Fleur Inanna                        

The Heart of Darkness

culminating essence via an alchemical merging of light and dark

27th-30th September 2024

Dear Friends,

We warmly invite you for a deeply held Eclipse Incubator retreat online, with Thessa Sophia and Fleur Inanna. 

This will be a deeply held retreat space, designed to facilitate the alchemical depths of the upcoming Eclipses on the 17th September and October 2nd and whatever is calling for transformation in you at this time.

All eclipses are immense portals into deeper levels of Absolute, ushering in the next leaps in consciousness as Earth is informed by the temporary plunge into darkness. The September eclipses carry a unique alchemical focus on the cultivation of essence via a merging of light and dark.  

During the retreat, The Moon will begin in Cancer. Here we harness the sensitivity of the Moon toward a deepening intimacy with Darkness. The Journey of the Moon into Leo highlights the presence of Light as an expression of Essence. The last day of the retreat has a focus in Virgo, the sign ruled by the ultimate Alchemist itself, Mercury. It is an opportunity to alchemize the facets of darkness and light making themselves available within our journey imto a united refinement of our own true nature, ripe for embodiment.

In support of the alchemization, the weaving of dark and light will continue in rounds of distinguishing them both, creating an opening for their natural union, uniquely applicable to you according to what is most relevant along your evolutionary journey.  

Eclipses can challenge us to deepen our devotion to the essentializing process, potentially pushing to the surface deeper fears and experiences of lack that are keeping this most fundamental polarity of light and dark in separation.

Our journey of alchemy, grace and ease through these intense portals can be deeply supported by incubating and encouraging the natural unfolding in an environment of stillness, using the many resources we have developed together.

Also due to the transformative signature of these specific eclipses we intend to facilitate you with an emphasis on acceptance and allowance - silence, simplicity and spaciousness to balance and hold wisely the intensity of this specific alchemical window.

We will hold many of the live sessions in the condition of total darkness or moving into total darkness, inviting you to blindfold yourself in a room with as much light shut out as possible. Being in darkness will facilitate your capacity to deepen and absorb into the absolute, as a foundation for all being with. This practice will naturally facilitate the unfolding within you, at whatever phase of awakening you are exploring at this time; making this retreat suitable for everyone who has worked with us sometime before.

We will use some sessions as a container for exploring general themes highlighted by the energy of these Eclipses based on the forces of nature as play, so you can specify your inner exploration within what is alive for you at the time.

We will leave a third session free each day for you to intentionally focus on a Yin/Self Care practice at home; this will be an optimal time to book a massage, go for a sauna, rest and or carry out some self care practice at home. We will also provide some meditation resources to use in this free window if you want a Yin/Silence/Spaciousness focused, guided practice led by us.

We will have two 2 hour, facilitated journey’s a day, one held by myself and one held by Thessa, with an emphasis on gently deepening into the moment, cultivating ease and spaciousness and facilitating integration within whatever the eclipse is stirring for you or a theme you have chosen to consciously journey with.

The earliest session will not start before 2pm GMT, 3pm CET and 9am EST to support those joining us from the USA with families. We will not finish the live calls after 3pm EST, 8pm GMT, 9pm CET.

We invite you to consider the entire 4 days as a retreat incubator.

The invitation will be to intentionally use the morning, if you are in Europe or the UK, as your independent at home- intentional Yin/Self care practice time before we start the day’s sessions in the afternoon onwards. And in the late afternoon/Evening if you are in the USA, after we have done our two live sessions. There will be 1-2 hours, no more, no less, between the two live sessions.

This retreat incubator could be a good time to detox, fast, book bodywork sessions in, focus on yin-yoga/tai chi and slow micro movement practices and leave space outside of the meditation meetings/group lives for rest and self healing.

We warmly invite you to join us in this unique container, in which we can midwife and usher in ease-fully the alchemical movements calling to happen and deepen in this time. This incubator will support you to you navigate this intense portal with wisdom, ease, depth, and heart with guidance, holding and the many resources and at the many depths we have cultivated together that we will draw on in this time.

Prior to the retreat we will share with you a video intro into the energetic climate of this alchemical window according to Vedic astrology to help you get more in touch with the nature of this transformational window specifically for you, using language and references more familiar to our work and way together.

Prior session, group work or single meditation experiences with us is necessary.

If you would like a first or refresher session with one of us prior to the retreat and you choose to book on, we can offer you the lower session price we give to those in our groups, for this one off session. Please pm, for details who you would like to drop in with. We have plenty of free meditations and resources that you can use to refresh also without a session. Please ask for details.

All our love

Fleur & Thessa

This work offers a deep and profound container for the evolution of consciousness and cultivation of inner union through embodied meditation practices, that are simple, yet potent in their capacity to facilitate wholeness and newness.

What I most love about this space is the absolute acceptance and allowance of ALL facets of my being, from the most sublime to the most earthy, the darkest to the lightest. Which is in and of itself a catalyst for healing and integration.

And that can only happen, at least in my view, when those who are holding the space have been and are willing to meet those same aspects within themselves from a place of deepest stillness. Added to that, it is here that I get to satiate my need for spiritual evolution and constant deepening through the body. I have not found a place anywhere else, where this could so adequately be met or presenced.

I experience this as tantra at its most subtle."

Shakti Sundari, UK

Practical Details

Facilitated by:

Thessa Sophia & Fleur Inanna


Dear Friends,

We are going to start raising our rates to honour the value and nature of our offerings and guidance - we intentionally create very small group containers giving participants space to share deeply and receive one on one feedback on every call, facilitating the depth and intimacy of our work and way - and we realise the pricing needs to start reflecting this. This shift has been a long time coming and now we are finding we are personally needing to raise our prices to meet the climate of inflation and to preserve the sustainability of our work. We have always wanted to keep our work accessible to everyone and sustainable for those who cannot afford the higher rates, and so in this spirit we will be offering a sliding scale from now on on all our offerings. We invite you to choose freely the investment that matches your means. All our love

Sliding Scale

Higher Rate
£500/ $661 / Euros 594

Middle Rate £450/ $594 /Euros 535

Lower Rate £400/ $528 / Euros 475 /


Deposit to secure your place £150/ $198 (must be sent to confirm your place)

Payment plans available on request  via paypal subscription please discuss details with Fleur

(Paypal Payments plus 4%)


Times/Dates & Location:


27th, 28th, 29th, 30th September


Times may vary give or take an hour - each day

The third session of each day you will be invited to practice at home alone, using resources we have sent and incorporating your own movement and yin focused practices.


 Start -  9am -11am EST time -   12-2pm EST time -   3-5pm EST time (3rd Session personal practice at home)

              3pm -5pm CET time  -   6pm-8pm CET time  -  9-11pm CET time

All calls are 2 hours long

Exact times to be confirmed a little nearer the time. We welcome requests for altering the times but please be aware it may not be possible.

Two guided two hour sessions a day - with no less than an hour break between them. A third Session for home practice.


You will receive the recording of the live calls at the end of each day via email.

Extra meditation resources will be given before we start


Limited places are available to keep the group intimate and small


Location: Zoom

How To Book Your Place

Minimum 5 people for this retreat

You must have experience with the basic recipe to join this retreat. If you are unsure please reach out Thessa or myself to tune in together if it is appropriate for you to join.

Contact Email Fleur Inanna:

Reference the email: The Heart of Darkness

Email Fleur to request to book a session or to request to participate in the retreat

Deposits will then be required to secure your place, once your request has been accepted


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