Private Sessions

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Private Sessions

 "When I remember who I am, I am you, when I forget who I am I serve you" Hanuman 

"Thessa...the preeminent, freaky, soul-teaching, empath-healing, heart-orienting, human-biofeedbacking,

zen-sticking, brain-freezing, universe-exploring, fun-loving,

 down-to-earth, big-hearted, neo-nagual"

"Fleur's ability to tune in to the subtle inner experiences of herself and others is extraordinary.

This capacity to track the ebb and flow of emotional and physical energies and communicate her observations in an exquisitely clear way contributes to her considerable skill as a healer."

Deborah Taj Anapol Ph.D


One on One sessions forge immense spiritual depth and healing via deeply held dual meditation healing journeys.

In these sessions we are sitting with people on the deepest levels of consciousness and exploring the nature of what is arising within their unique experience via the somatic experience. The session is a gentle facilitation of the integration of experience towards greater unification within all areas of being. As we are sitting and watching what appears, we become inherent to the feeling, seeing, listening to what is happening within the body.


Usually on the most subtle layers there is identity that is keeping silence and activity (sensory experience) apart, and what is keeping unification from building is a sense of "I" or "me" - as witnesser or experiencer. Once the sense of self  has been seen and honoured in a full embrace of its nature, it will naturally fall away or merge into the union that will be propagating as we sit. The integration will feel like a unique state of consciousness, that is appearing within you in natural expression. Sometimes the contemplation during the session is directed into specific areas that need addressing or are up for transformation, thus shedding new light on the nature of consciousness, perception and identity.


We both work with individuals with severe illness and major trauma, alongside advanced practitioners in their own meditation or healing practice. We share the approach as we go, in stages depending on the person's ability, so that eventually the session appears and feels like a dual meditation, where we are directly holding them, whilst simultaneously co-journeying with them and being held myself. In this way healing appears as grace, as and when required and there is always a natural progression to the session, that reveals itself like a blossoming from within.

Ultimately realising oneself as the deepest silence and qualities of true nature, underlies all that naturally appears.

Thessa and Fleur both guide very differently according to their unique nature and medicine; therefore it is highly recommend you experience working with them both to taste their unique flavour of guiding, or of course follow your intuition who maybe good for you to book a session with.

You must have done at least 3 sessions

with Thessa or Fleur before you can participate on an online course

Sessions Costs

Thessa Sophia


Fleur Inanna

£120 for a single

£100 each for a group of 3

UK bank account/transfer wise/paypal


$150 for a single

$130 each for a group of 3

(payments must be made in pounds or euros)


Euro 142 for a single

Euro 118 each for a group of 3

(Italian Bank Account/transfer wise


I also am available for single 50minute sessions for half price.   

for 3 Booked Together

they must be used within a 2 months period

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