



                                                                                                                                 Working in Groups with

                                                                                      Thessa Sohia & Fleur Inanna                        

"I’m deeply grateful for the work Thessa and Fleur both share in the world.

What a marvellous journey!

Spending the weekend with Thessa and Fleur literally felt like being gently and fiercely held in the most nourishing loving return to innocence womb... for the first time in this incarnation! Deeply healing but not a dense healing that feels exhausting.

By the end of each day, I felt quite invigorated and even went for a long walk in nature...

These two beauties have cracked the Absolute facilitators’ code.

As a woman, and as an alchemist for the collective, the body I have been given IS my tool/portal for my work on Earth. I found it challenging to “deny” the body in order to access The Absolute. In my experience, and humble understanding, because there’s still identity with the body (even though I know I’m not the body) denying it, only emphasises separation instead of unifying all aspects.

While Being in both of their energetic field and care, I could easily “access home” by including, acknowledging and allowing the body to BE and do its thing. This inclusion of everything results in a natural dissolving and merging into The Absolute for true embodiment and transformation to blossom. I’m still integrating it all. And this articulation doesn’t reflect half of what’s unfolding in my reality...

There are some projects in the physicality I have been pondering for a while and the retreat weekend propelled me into allowing creation to manifest from pure intention rather than from old fears and separation.

Deeply and highly recommend these beautiful ones for the those who are ready to unbecome and BE who you came here to be.

Thank you Beloved Thessa and Fleur.

I’m in for whatever it is you two co-create!"

Luciana Love, Brazil

So I want to share one more time my deep deep gratitude… because I am in awe of the mystery, and in awe of you.

I bow deeply for all the teachings and gifts you have shared.  You’ve completely exploded and shifted my frame of reference… reignited my passion, and shown what is possible. Things that felt like make believe now feel perfectly plausible….and “reality” more like a dream. Sitting with you and Fleur has been one of the most life-changing experiences, a true privilege. You’ve enabled me to receive a deeper understanding, I feel I more easily abide and sit in a deeper sense of SELF, less afflicted by the vicissitudes of life.

In fact sometimes I have to try really hard to get the mind to work now.


One of the biggest gifts has been finding the inner fire, learning to cherish and tend to it… and a sacred well within the womb. To know myself as these and the space, and connect even deeper still to non-being, no-thing.

Wow… so profound, I can’t put words to it. The elements have been a pivotal learning and tool for me. This year I feel I have been mapping, exploring and recovering… there has been an inner restructuring which seems to happen on its own!

And is still in process.

To be more intimately acquainted with the rising energy and to appreciate the descent, another gift. I will forever remember your poem about: “Deliver whole gestalts. Eat that shit for dinner!” This is pure medicine, the perfect mantra. 

I have received beautiful revelations, dreams and visions – my body a canvas. Some seeming more real than reality. I’m so thankful to have awoken to all of this and to employ these streams of information in my interactions, without feeling like I’m completely losing the plot. 


None of this I knew was possible until I started this work. Before there was devotion, but it was pretty static, resting behind the heart in presence and the mind quickly appropriated it, causing burn-out. I didn’t really place any value on the visions – but now it feels like a way that my soul or god communicates. In fact it was a dream I received during the womb sessions… to go back to study consciousness. To viscerally taste oneness, in my being and receive ‘nods of recognition’ in the real-world has been immense, wild and pretty trippy. 


I’m still not sure who or what either of you are… pure mystery and true masters.

But I truly appreciated all that you are, do, offer. I feel so blessed and lucky that I stumbled on you, and I can’t even remember how… 


I am sad about this all ending, it has totally consumed me for the past two years. It has been muse, protector, healer. It both doesn’t feel real that it has ended and yet there is a sense of rightness to it, almost as though there is a call to emerge from the cave and put to test the learnings in the big wide world. An out breath. I’m still a little unsure of purpose/intent – last night it became clear that as long as I sit in ‘Self’ then purpose flows free there is an inner knowing… as soon as the mind tries to appropriate and ‘know’ I get caught in struggle.

Feels like I need more time sitting with SELF to really know what wants to come through, but change seems to be happening regardless. I am scared of forgetfulness, having the weekly commitment to meet and sit has supported that.

But I feel the group will organise to meet and I often find myself communing with you in ether!

So yes really just pure gratitude and much love x

Mary Downham Winter 2023

This experience of our gathering online is feeling like part oracle, part dance cave, part nursery school nap time. This morning I had a big question. I listened for the third time to this week's recording and heard a ginormous answer from another participant's share/fleur's feedback that had been there earlier, waiting for me until I was ready. This is the magic of playing this way: we are making something epic together and it's resonance is picking up speed as we meet up with simple willingness and authenticity. Fleur commands the container like none other I have encountered; there is an intimacy and maturity that continues to astound me. I'm thrilled at what is evolving and am eager for more and more treasure hunt-ish relevant contributions to unearth themselves."

 Martha Hillhouse, New York, USA

"Fleur and Thessa's quality of being and capacity to hold space is remarkable. Working with them has not only taught me about accepting and allowing all of me to be here uncensored, it has shown me how to let go of a fixed identity and surrender to the ever changing, fluid nature moment to  moment. I know of no other modality that addresses both healing and awakening in such a simple and grounded way."

 Dima Bosko, USA

Just feeling to spontaneously thank Fleur Inanna and Thessa Sophia tonight for the deep, expansive journey I've been on with them over the past months and years.

I'm currently journeying with 9 other women on the Art of Inner Union course, which followed on from Heart Becoming.

Prior to that I participated in a number of other courses, whose names I can't remember now !!

This work offers a deep and profound container for the evolution of consciousness and cultivation of inner union through embodied meditation practices, that are simple, yet potent in their capacity to facilitate wholeness and newness.

What I most love about this space is the absolute acceptance and allowance of ALL facets of my being, from the most sublime to the most earthy, the darkest to the lightest. Which is in and of itself a catalyst for healing and integration.

And can only happen, at least in my view, when those who are holding the space have been and are willing to meet those same aspects within themselves from a place of deepest stillness.

Added to that, it is here that I get to satiate my need for spiritual evolution and constant deepening through the body. I have not found a place anywhere else, where this could so adequately be met or presenced.

I experience this as tantra at its most subtle.

It's clear to me, that as a result of this ongoing deepening and unification, my capacity to meet and integrate whatever arises, as well as to enquire into challenge and pain has greatly expanded. As has the potency of my own work and facilitation.

This is an approach of radical self-responsibility and inclusion, meaning that as I work with people or issues on the inner plane, the external reality changes. It is all connected and there is nobody to blame.

For me, this is one of the only ways of creating the future we all dream of that makes sense.

I feel so grateful to have this opportunity and to be continually expanding in every sphere of being with such compassionate guides.

 Thank you

ps. Fleur & Thessa are starting a new round of Heart Becoming in the New Year. I highly recommend it.

Shakti Sundari, UK

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