Online Retreats


  Online Retreats



                                                                                      Thessa Sohia & Fleur Inanna                        

The Art of Silence

the key to natures change

2 Day Weekend Retreat - 3rd & 4th August 2024

"There is a gap, a silence and emptiness, where there is not thought between you and existence. You and existence meet and merge for a moment. And for the first time the seed, the thirst and longing, for enlightenment, the meeting between you and existence, will grow in your heart." 

Lao Tzu

Dear Friends,

We warmly invite you to deepen with us into silence, to explore and embody our direct experience of this foundational aspect of consciousness, that is at the source and centre of our work and way of being.

Ours is a path of heart that infuses essential keys to healing and awakening in the meditator, keys and constants that point to the fundamentals of consciousness wanting to be explored, revealed, illustrated and embodied through a journey of self discovery. 

Silence is one such constant, it is our for-ever home base, our beloved starting point, the backdrop and foundation for all the journeys we make. 

Through a continual presencing and exploration of silence, one naturally moves towards deeper and deeper realisations of silence and the absolute, fundamental unmanifest reality. 

“Silence” as a word is a placeholder - intending to direct the awareness to the ground of being and the deepest realisation and remembering available to you in any given moment. It is a placeholder because as the sense of self evolves through communion with this deepest foundation, your relationship with what we are naming as Silence evolves, deepen and changes too.

Other words we may use as a placeholder are:



*The Absolute Unmanifest

*The Ground of Being

*What is free of sensory information or any experience of I or perspective

Our approach as a whole has the capacity to take you all the way home to the source of the experience and experiencer and their complete inner union.

Silence cultivates the grace of awakening to true nature and one’s deepening communion with the Supreme. 

Silence can never be lost entirely but it can be forgotten, which in itself can come to be seen as an intelligent part of the deepening process. 

The backdrop of Silence is the key to the cultivation of acceptance and the resulting union with that Silence brings the first tastes of true nature as essence. Silence is the key to nature’s change,
 inspiring and driving the changing manifest world, midwifing the transforming and flowing nature of things towards greater unification of which healing is an effect. 

We will be focusing on cultivating and exploring deeper silence via the direct experience in a somatic based practice. By including and being deeply with the somatic experience (the sensations, feelings, thoughts, movements, sounds, vibrations, qualities of being - any manifest experience alighting within you) we can naturally encourage embodiment and integration and an essentialization of the experience. 

This immersion is designed for those who have journeyed with us for a long time and those who have only just started or who would like to start journeying with us. The material we will be covering is timelessly relevant and foundational to all our work and can only deepen, enrich and enliven whatever depth or dimension of consciousness or healing you are navigating. 

If you are feeling drawn to being with us, please email Fleur or message her to request to join. 

A deposit will be asked for, to confirm your place. There will be limited places to keep the group small and intimate, with time for personal sharings and questions on the group lives.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either one of us any time. 

All our love

Thessa and Fleur

This work offers a deep and profound container for the evolution of consciousness and cultivation of inner union through embodied meditation practices, that are simple, yet potent in their capacity to facilitate wholeness and newness.

What I most love about this space is the absolute acceptance and allowance of ALL facets of my being, from the most sublime to the most earthy, the darkest to the lightest. Which is in and of itself a catalyst for healing and integration.

And that can only happen, at least in my view, when those who are holding the space have been and are willing to meet those same aspects within themselves from a place of deepest stillness. Added to that, it is here that I get to satiate my need for spiritual evolution and constant deepening through the body. I have not found a place anywhere else, where this could so adequately be met or presenced.

I experience this as tantra at its most subtle."

Shakti Sundari, UK

Practical Details

Facilitated by:

Thessa Sophia & Fleur Inanna


Dear Friends,

We are going to start raising our rates to honour the value and nature of our offerings and guidance - we intentionally create very small group containers giving participants space to share deeply and receive one on one feedback on every call, facilitating the depth and intimacy of our work and way - and we realise the pricing needs to start reflecting this. This shift has been a long time coming and now we are finding we are personally needing to raise our prices to meet the climate of inflation and to preserve the sustainability of our work. We have always wanted to keep our work accessible to everyone and sustainable for those who cannot afford the higher rates, and so in this spirit we will be offering a sliding scale from now on on all our offerings. We invite you to choose freely the investment that matches your means. All our love

Sliding Scale

£315 - $400

£280- $354

£250 - $316 


£100  $126 (must be sent to confirm your place)

Payment plans available on request please discuss details with Fleur

(Paypal Payments plus 4%)


Times/Dates & Location:


August 3rd & 4th - Saturday and Sunday


Times may vary give or take an hour

Saturday 3rd -  8am -10am EST time -   11-1pm EST time -   2-4pm EST time

                           2pm -4pm CET time  -   5pm-7pm EST time  -  8-10pm CET time

Sunday 4th   -  8am-10am EST time - 11-1pm EST time - 2-4pm EST time

                           2pm-4pm CET time -  5-7pm CET time - 8-10pm EST time

All calls are 2 hours long

Exact times to be confirmed a little nearer the time

Three two hour sessions a day - with no less than an hour break between them. 


You will receive the recording of the live calls at the end of each day via email.

Extra meditation resources will be given before we start


8 places available


Location: Zoom

How To Book Your Place

Minimum 5 people - maximum of 8 places for this retreat

Contact Email Fleur Inanna:

Reference the email: The Art of Silence

Email Fleur to request to book a session or to request to participate in the retreat

Deposits will then be required to secure your place, once your request has been accepted


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