Heart Becoming Private

Heart Becoming

mastering the foundations

With Fleur Inanna

Beloved friends,

I have two spaces open for anyone who would like to journey with me via a sequence of one on one's delivering into your hands and hearts our basic approach to healing and awakening.

The content of this journey we call Heart Becoming - it is truly the constant, the ally, the unwavering basic recipe we share with others that never leaves us - no matter where we are in our journey.

This is not a course - It is a deeply held transmission of a path of depth, wisdom and healing that naturally facilities inner union, a meditative way that has the capacity to take you all the way home over time, to the original primal experience.

We are held by the principles of acceptance and allowance, all inclusion, surrender, journeying with the somatic experience and silence.

I have had the honour of delivering this basic recipe into hands of many, and that has become the basis for years of journeying together in ever changing containers - encouraging the opening and discovery of ourselves and deepest inner most nature. This is a journey of understanding consciousness through the direct experience.

This journey is best suited for those who have some comfortability sitting in silence and who feel committed to the cultivation of inner union.

Those who have an experiential understanding of our basic approach are then free to journey with us through the many containers and intiatic depths of our offerings in dynamic ways.

This is a non-lineal path of awakening, within which there is no hierarchy of experience - and yet, what can be revealed and restored eventually through surrender, is the primal original experience.

Session Schedule & Content

Session 1: 

Grounding into Silence - the Absolute - The Tao - as a foundation for all  all being with, all healing and inquiry - in our meditative way together.

Cultivating deeper realisations of silence and the absolute is foundational to our way together.

Session 2: 

Journeying with the body, via the Somatic Experience.

Grounding the Principles of All Inclusion - Acceptance & Allowance & Surrender 

Session 3: 

Exploring the nature of Essence - the materiality of inner union

& Identity

Session 4:

Applying the basic recipe to something specific and working with  an issue or an inquiry that compels you.

Session 5: 

Reflection Technique - our family jewel.

Our primary tool for cultivating freedom and intimacy in relationships

Session 6: 

Ecstatic States/Developing Essence

Session 7: 

Outside Influence 

Session 8: 

Physical Healing 


The Overall Intention of our time together is to:

**Ground into the foundations

**Cultivate deeper realizations of the absolute, silence and source remembering; as a foundation for all our work together. 

Learning how to resource the absolute/stillness for healing, transformation and self inquiry.

**Covering a deep overview of the basic principles of our work; the foundational elements of stillness, acceptance and allowance/surrender and journeying with the somatic experience. 

**Learning how to work with an issue; our basic approach to healing, transformation through developing states of inner union, resourcing silence and the absolute. Learning the many ways we can explore an issue, break it down and integrate from different angles and depths. 

**Re-affirming Self referral; grounding our commitment to self responsibility/empowerment whilst developing self awareness of your direct experience and specifically what is occurring for you in your inner space; with a deep inclusion of the body through the somatic experience.

**Learning Reflection technique; sharing with you our family jewel, Thessa's very simple approach to shamanic re capitulation that allows you to explore the nature of your experience in relationship to anyone or thing and heal/dissolve any separation within yourself and subject of your inquiry. This approach is essential to our more advanced work as we apply it constantly as we deepen in our explorations over time.

**Cultivating Inner Union, exploring Essence; Exploring, developing and integrating higher states of consciousness for healing and exploring the nature of essence/uniqueness and states of bliss.

**A deep & integrative introduction to Identity Work; Exploring who is having the experience, or witnessing what is occurring, towards deeper union of that sense of I or me with its source; as a pathway towards transformation/surrender of the self and cultivation of greater levels of unification. 

(This subject will be covered in greater depth later on, as we explore the nature of identity in the different energy centres and at different levels of being).

What Other People Have Said About This Journey....

 "Heart Becoming is aptly named, delivered by Fleur with such mastery yet not a tinge of hierarchical superiority. This work is “the work” because it will change the way you perceive reality. All moments, especially the mundane, become an opportunity to unify with God. Or, perhaps, notice the manifest experience of separation.

Either way, this meditation series becomes a training ground to fortify a toolbox to journey throughout life with radical acceptance, one of the pillars of this course’s work, which sets sturdy foundations to continue to deepen in the evolution around the spiral. I especially appreciated the delivery of the mediations - there’s a “basic recipe” but it’s non-linear, allowing for a natural unfolding, which models Nature’s movements.

I loved that there was a clear framework, but sometimes we mixed up the order based on what was organic in that session. You’ll end up with a recording of your meditation (which is SUCH a tool for your solo practice) + several other audio/video/text files with a different delivery of the theme.

Fleur’s  multidimensionality has a unique way of feeling your experience, which allows her to then provide attuned insight during your one-on-one sessions. I’ve ended every session with a breakthrough, whether that were a landing into simplicity, tasting the ecstasy of the Absolute, annihilating an identity structure with complete inclusion, finding deeper compassion with the “Reflection Technique”, healing physical pain, or experiencing a somatic release that deepened my sensitivity to the subtle body.

Without Fleur’s support, I would’ve gotten lost in the sauce of movement, sensation, thought, etc. and missed the opportunity to broaden my consciousness.

If you’re on the fence about whether or not this work is for you, I’d just say one thing.

I found a teacher in Fleur…a devoted guide through this challenging life. Fleur lives, loves, breathes, and shares this work like her life depends on it. Not working with her would be like searching for gold your entire life then giving up the effort the day you would’ve hit the jackpot. She’d likely say you’re exactly on your path. And you are with or without her. But with this work and her guidance, you’ll move with the grace and power of water.

With this practice, you’ll taste the nectar of the Divine Mother and be with your insatiable longing for God with greater trust. With Heart Becoming, you’ll have invaluable tools for the rest of your life."

Jess Liddle, Hawaii


"Heart Becoming for me, has been life-changing. The keys are so simple and yet, I don’t think I’d have found them until I was shown the way there. I realised there was so much more to my experience of my body and the world, these experiences were always open to me, I just didn’t know the right questions to ask.

So much has changed for me - my experience and the way I relate to my history and traumatic experiences, my health, my relationships. My belief in the power of these simple tools to let transmutation naturally unfold is whole-hearted and I’m so grateful to have such a supportive and loving guide along the way. The guidance and reflections have been so important and I am so glad I prioritised this journey into what feels like both my undoing and becoming. Thank you for doing this work."

Wren Brown, United Kingdom

Practical Details

If you would like to make this journey you can email me at core.expression@yahoo.co.uk and let me know a little bit about yourself. If needed we can meet briefly via messenger or zoom to connect more deeply and discern if this journey is right for you.

Reference the email: HeartBecoming One on One sessions


The cost for the 8 sessions is £699.

You are welcome to pay in instalments. Limited Concession rates are available, for those who truly need it.

A deposit as a gesture of commitment to the time together. £50

(Paypal Payments plus 4%)


Times/Dates & Location:

We will meet once every week (on zoom) or every two weeks (max), times/dates decided together:

2.5hour live guided meditations (recorded and shared for practice) with one on one feedback and interaction.


You will receive recorded meditations a month and practice suggestions, videos, and creative/inspirational writing to enliven your understanding and experience of our weekly topics. 


We will have a telegram or whats app chat space where I can share the resources and recordings with you and you can ask me questions as we go.

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