
Primordial Home


 A Taste of Thessa's Work

plus a meditative experience

 Heart Becoming

40 Minute Meditation

by Thessa Sophia

Heart Becoming

 Acceptance & Allowance

40 Minute Transmission & Meditation

by Fleur Inanna

Acceptance & Allowance

 Breath Remembering

40 Minute Meditation

by Fleur Inanna

Breath Remembering

 Healing The Divide


by Thessa Sophia

Healing The Divide Part 1 Healing The Divide Part 2

Ushering In The Age of Impeccability

Among Spiritual Leaders


by Fleur Inanna

The Age of Impeccability

Healing The Mother Wound

Interview & Discussion

with Thessa Sophia & Fleur Inanna

Healing The Mother Wound

Page Still Under Construction - please check this page within the next few days for added materials and meditations

Then for the first time you look

 around and the beauty of

nature is revealed.

Then you listen to the harmony of

the universe, the symphony of the stars.

Then everything starts to become

more and more beautiful.

Layers and layers of beauty are revealed.

Your eyes have a penetrating force.

Wherever you look you go deep.

Even in rocks you feel

flowers blossoming.


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