Expanding Love 2024

Expanding Love

Via an alchemical exploration of our relationship with violence

Facilitated by

Fleur Inanna

1 Month Course

First Week of September

(times and dates to be organised together as a group)

Beloved companions in the deep,

I warmly invite you to join me for a series of 4 meditations deepening into an exploration of our relationship with violence.

This journey is open to anyone who has worked with us before and has an experiential understanding and deep comfortability with the basics of our approach to healing and awakening. Due to the deep and difficult nature of this exploration only those with experience of our work, will be able to join.

It feels like a ripe moment to offer this journey as Mars and Uranus made their conjunction in the sky some weeks ago, sparking in the collective a natural visitation of themes around aggression and violence - to give you a sense of the devastating potential of this confluence of energy, the last time they made such a conjunction Hiroshima happened!!

The intelligence of this conjunction will push to the surface any remnants of suffering we hold - and gaps within us and in relationship to primal forces of existence that are calling to close through the portal of difficult situations and distressing world events; gaps that maybe keeping us from showing up as love in action or in service to our creative potential.

We are living in a violent world and we must in order to render all that we are to totality at some point explore our relationship with violence; to move to include and comprehend what drives us and the world into violent situations; so that we may through our journey of cultivating inner union also become the remedy, the balm and embody the necessary compassion to receive the intolerable, the unimaginable parts of ourselves and our collective pain bodies - in a movement towards healing and unity.

Exploring our relationship with violence is a very advanced inquiry that unfolds naturally as we start to engage in womb work as it is what is resting in the unconscious mind. Aggression and violence usually appears slightly differently in men and women, and it can be very difficult to feel and embrace - especially any hidden desires we may have to cause harm or even be harmed.

Our approach to healing and trauma work, is one of complete inclusion - embodying the visceral nature of our direct experience through the somatic experience from a foundation of silence.

It is only when we have allowed the unconscious mind to fully speak in a meditative way, can we begin to essentialise the harm or experience of being harmed and become open to becoming something new there. This alchemising journey with violence for example is what cultivates states of power, like invincibility or the indestructibility of realising oneself as the totality of all things, as opposed to one ingredient within the soup of creation and of course through a deep meeting of and emptying out of the fear that can arise in facing the themes around violence and harm.

A practical example of such inclusion would be a thorough visitation of being the victim, perpetrator and abuser - towards unification and a transcendent state of freedom.

We will be visiting masculine and feminine dynamics, the polarity of defend and attack, the trinity of victim perpetrator and abuser, dark desires and the archetypal identifications with Kali; of self righteousness, fear, and anger and hatred - keeping us from fully rendering ourselves to Her and the totality of existence. We will be visiting personal and collective pain bodies, via personal situations and relationship engagements and collective themes of violence via specific scenarios close to our hearts.

I have found the fruits of working with violence and aggression to be a profound cultivation of freedom, power, sense of safety, wisdom and discernment, along side a deeper intimacy with myself and those involved and above all love expands and deepens.

I so look forward to making this deep journey with some of you, dedicating ourselves to intense inner terrain in a movement towards greater capacity for love.

You must have a high level of self responsibility & Experience in the basics of our work..

You are warmly welcome to come to this course with a single theme you would like to explore throughout, allowing each weekly exploration and the differing angles to invite greater thoroughness, depth, healing and change in the nature of your relationship with your chosen theme, and a chosen single theme is not necessary. 

If we discern together you are not ready for the group container, but you would like to visit this theme with me, you can also follow the journey via a series of one on one's and still have access to the extra resources.

Please feel free to ask me any questions, or tune in with me to discuss if this journey is right for you.

Practical Details

There are a maximum of 6 places for this Course - minimum 4 people.


Higher Rate £200

Middle Rate £180

Lower rate £160


Higher Rate $256

Middle Rate $230

Lower rate $205


Higher Rate 237 Euros

Middle Rate 210 Euro

Lower rate 189 Euro


You are welcome to pay what ever rate matches your means. No questions asked.

 (Payment plan available on request - please note in the unexpected event you wish to leave the group or cannot attend all the calls - payment plans do not exempt you from honouring paying the full amount )

Deposit £80/ $80 or 80 euro to secure your place

(Paypal Payments plus 4%)


Times/Dates & Location:

We will meet once every week (on zoom), times/dates chosen as a group:

 *4 - 2hour live guided meditations (recorded and shared for practice) with one on one feedback and interaction.


You will some receive extra resources and practice suggestions, videos, and creative/inspirational writing to enliven your understanding and experience of our weekly topics. 


Location: Zoom and a telegram group for the extra resources and recordings to be posted in.

How To Book Your Place

***You must have a foundational experience of our basic approach to healing and awakening****

Email Fleur: core.expression@yahoo.co.uk


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