Primordial Home

a journey of becoming all heart


Primordial Home is a sacred space in which to receive and explore Heart Becoming - inner alchemy work of Thessa Sophia (Guide, Founder & Researcher) & Fleur Inanna (Guide & Midwife to this way together). The path of Heart Becoming is one of healing, mystery and awakening forged and delivered in a non lineal way via one on one healing journey's, transformational courses, events & retreats.

Embedded in the foundations of our approach that we are sharing are acceptance, allowance and surrender of the somatic experience, self-referral, healing and awakening and grounding into silence/the absolute as foundational to all our journeys together. Cultivating deeper realisations of the deepest Silence (the Absolute) is a primary intention of our practice, alongside a deep commitment to tending to our capacity to embody true nature.

All the keys that we share are designed to deliver into your hands our approach to healing & awakening in a deeply integrative and organic way. We are devoted to cultivating our inner environment in a way that encourages healing and facilities deeper relaxation into the natural unfolding whilst encouraging the momentum of awakening. 

Our initiatory courses and dual journey's are an experiential journey into the fundamentals of consciousness, teaching you along the way how to navigate your inner experience and approach your journey of self healing, mastery & discovery with a greater comprehension, depth & grace. 

All we offer is designed to facilitate the natural initiations along the spiral of awakening as we have come to live & know them. As we deepen together we share with you essential inquiries that act as portals into the deeper aspects of consciousness, and of our work and core initiations. 

Our way of guiding is deeply intimate and held; relational depth, commitment & trust is key to our capacity to deliver the depth of this work; to guide responsibly and respond to the unique needs of those receiving our offerings - therefore in order to attend a course or retreat with us you must first experience 3 one on one sessions, with either Thessa or Fleur. 

If you would like a taster of our approach and have a deeper sense of who we are and how we guide others
you can follow this link to some of our free & available to anyone resources as a starting point....

We also have a Mighty Network Group Space which acts are a wider womb space and incubator - the main group is free to join - offering a nurturing and incubated space, for receiving and listening for your resonance with the sharing's or lack there of, signalling you whether to go deeper with us, with the courses (that form up the internal groups of Primordial Home Mighty Networks), or to exit for lack of resonance.    

We look forward to deepening with some of you along the blessed journey of Becoming all Heart & spiral of devotion. 

About Thessa Sophia 

Primordial Guide, Esoterica Embodied, 
Path of the Immortals, Protector of Innocents 

Pushing the boundaries of the known through Self Experimentation - founded in Integrative Spiritual Practice, fuelled by continual realisations of the Absolute.

Investigating Radical Healing/Optimal Health,
Longevity/Immortality, and the Nature of our Consciousness as it Expresses through the World.

Maximised potential embodied, Magic, the natural end, Liberation the stage for Infinite Play.....
Learn More

 About Fleur Inanna

 Fleur Essential Guide and Spiritual Midwife along the way who is devoted to revealing the principles of feminine mystery from a foundation of non-duality. 

She serve's as catalyst on "Her" natural path of awakening, cultivating, nurturing and refining the inner garden of myself and each whole and thus nature of us all....
Learn More

 Facets of the Heart Becoming Diamond

 Core Courses 

Journeying through our core work in a deeply
 held, integrative & systematic way. 

Live facilitation, Weekly sessions, private group incubator & library of resources, one on one feedback. Delivered online. 

Courses/Events Scheduled

April 2024-December 2024
this course is full

September 2024
1 place open - starts next week
4 Day Online Eclipse Incubator Retreat
27th-30th September 2024

 Private Sessions

 1.5-2 hour dual meditation & healing journey with your chosen facilitator.

Via Zoom or Skype, in the quiet of your home. In person sessions are available on request where appropriate and possible. 


Over the years we have produced a phenomenal amount of free material, in form of writing, audio transmissions & articles and some recorded meditations.

This space will become over time a library for some of those resources. 


I have come to bring out the beauty you never knew you had

and lift you like a prayer to the sky


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